So back to the story; once seated on the public bus we
were pushed into our seats like mashed potatoes. Mary’s face was squished up
against the window. I was in the middle seat “smashed” between Mary and the
young mother with her baby and little toddler.
Back home in Gaithersburg, MD the candy would have
been consumed in four mouths fulls. Lessons learned. Another Paradigm Shift.
Our bus trip was from Kampala to Mbarara. Mbarara is the next big city to the west
before you take a sharp 90 degree turn north into the Imbanda district and then
onward to the village of Kiburara.
Pastor Moses met us at the bus terminal (think of an
open air market, dust everywhere and the intense Equator sun almost blinding
you). It was reassuring to see Moses face. He was all business, loading our
things into the small four door late model Toyota pickup. We were on a schedule
and needed to get some lunch, do a little shopping before our three hour drive
We each had stories of God’s goodness and
protection, exciting news of newly arrived grandchildren and challenges each
was struggling to overcome.