Thursday, January 13, 2011

Two Men Profess Faith at Pastors' Conference

Here is the most recent update:
The first portion of today found our team once again participating in the Youth conference (YC) and the Pastors' conference (PC). Peter G., Paul F., and Isaac H. each preached at the YC, while Robin B. continued investing in local Pastors at the PC. One exciting highlight of the day was the two gentlemen who wandered in to the PC and professed faith in Christ after hearing Robin teach; to God be the glory!

In the afternoon our team split into three groups. Two groups visited local villages in order to share the Gospel door-to-door and pass out much needed mosquito nets to local residents. The third group participated in an open-air evangelistic crusade in the heart of town. Four people gave theirs lives to the Lord at the outreach; praise God! 

Moving forward, the prison outreach previously mentioned in the last update has been rescheduled for this coming Sunday. Tomorrow's activities will be the same format as those of today. Please pray God continues to pour out His Spirit and accomplish His purposes as our loved ones are faithful to serve these dear folks!

As for the team, everyone remains healthy overall. There are two prayer requests: 1) Please pray for Mary F. to rest at night as she has not been able to sleep well thus far and 2) please pray for healing & stamina for Megan A. who is fighting a slight cold that is resulting in her being more tired than usual.

Lastly, Isaac desired to emphasize what an outstanding job the team is doing! Without exception, everyone is evangelizing, engaging with people on a personal level, and participating in public ministry.  He is truly blown away by their Christ-like servanthood!

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